Annual Report and Sustainability Report Suite

Sims Limited

The Brief

Less is more

A global company of many parts, Sims Limited is focussed on being at the forefront of circular economies and decarbonisation. Sims Metals is the primary business of Sims Limited, complemented by its adjacent businesses, Resource Renewal and Lifecycle Services. Following a challenging year of business consolidation in response to market conditions, Sims sought an engaging yet cost-effective annual report suite that showcased their streamlined operations.

The Challenge

Tell the whole story

Sims has a multi-faceted reporting suite – from their annual report, sustainability and climate reports to their modern slavery statement. Our creative approach needed to work successfully across the whole annual report suite. A branded concept that was original, reflective of their core mission and accomplished without commissioning expensive illustration or retouching.

The Solution

Simply strategic

Our annual report concept centred around Sims’s position as a global leader in the renewables industry. Through combinations of merging cut-out objects, we captured the evolution of scrap metal and redundant hardware into new and useful technologies; the same design technique was used to different effect as powerful metaphors on the Human Slavery and Climate Reports. Within the reports, layouts cleanly supporting Sims’s messaging are accented with cut-out graphics and objects and combined with big, bold full page photography.