Brand Creation
Trish MS Research Foundation
The Brief
Make a change, make a difference
When Trish Langsford tragically lost her battle with Multiple Sclerosis at only age 30, her parents, Carol and Roy Langsford, were driven to create the Trish Multiple Sclerosis Research Foundation. Upon our engagement, it became clear that despite having an ambitious roster of fundraising activities, committed volunteers and supporters they were hampered by the lack of a communication framework and a logo that was very similar to a large, national charity.The Challenge
Clarifying their cause
The Trish MS Foundation is run solely by volunteers and works very closely with MS Research Australia and with scientific researchers to find a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. Every dollar that is raised by the fundraising activities of the Foundation goes directly into this important research. As well as conceiving a logo that would become emblematic of their cause, it was important to develop a brand palette for the Trish MS Foundation that helped clearly communicate their active and direct contribution to the pursuit of a scientific breakthrough.The Solution
Connecting hearts with minds
The rebranding positioned the Trish MS Foundation as the conduit between the MS fundraising and supporter community (the ‘hearts’) and the scientists searching for a cure (the ‘minds’). The ‘Big Hearts’ are denoted by purple in the palette, the ‘Best Minds’ through the use of yellow. All communications are benchmarked against the question ‘are we inspiring hearts and minds?’