Christmas Cards
Wills Brand Design
The Brief
Put the ham into Xmas
Each year we produce a card to be sent out to clients, suppliers and friends with a theme that is firmly tongue in cheek. We want to express ourselves in a light hearted way – not too corporate and not too clichéd. It is a nice way to engage with people and thank them for their support during the year.
The Challenge
Keeping it fresh
The cards have got a diverse audience so it’s important to get the balance right – irreverent but not offensive. In terms of humour, a bit of ham but not too much cheese. A fresh take on Christmas each year can be hard and some years the ideas come easier, some not so much.
The Solution
Stay true to the corn
Random brainstorms in the car, on a walk, in a pub are the secret. Just when we are ready to give up and finish the series, a quirky lightening bolt moment will happen and send us back to creating the next one.